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By making a donation to Navdanya International you are supporting initiatives and projects of Navdanya and Vandana Shiva worldwide that advocate democratic food systems and a sustainable future, contributing towards supporting small farmers, protecting our biodiversity and promoting a culture of local food based on respect for the environment and nature.

Navdanya has helped set up more than 120 community seed banks throughout India, trained over 500,000 farmers in seed sovereignty, food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture over the past two decades, freeing them from being tied to multinational companies. Your contribution will help to stop the take-over of our food supply by large agribusiness interests.

Through campaigns, actions, advocacy and research, Navdanya International has continued to bring together diverse actors and diverse issues of soil, biodiversity, climate resilience, equity and social justice, to help empower citizens, farmers and movements everywhere to reclaim and defend seed and food sovereignty, and to live in a healthy, poison-free environment.

The rich dialogues, debates and workshops with movements, farmers, policy makers and citizens around the world are laying the ground for a transition to an agroecological poison-free food system for food sovereignty, nutrition and health, climate mitigation and resilience, and economic security.

Support the movement for change where agriculture unites ecology with economy, traditional knowledge with science and where the economy works for people and the planet.

Please make a donation and help to promote projects aimed at putting the common good at the centre of a new economic and social paradigm.

Bank transfer to Navdanya International – Onlus

IBAN: IT98 M033 5901 6001 0000 0067 263



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