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GMO-Free Europe Event 2022

The GMO-Free Europe event took place on 17 November 2022 at the European Parliament, co-organised by Save Our Seeds and IFOAM Organics Europe and hosted by the Green Group / EFA in the European Parliament. We discussed the European...

Was in der Klimadebatte fehlt

Pressenza, 16. November 2022 | Quelle „Die Destabilisierung der Klimasysteme der Erde ist die Folge davon, dass die ökologischen Prozesse und Zyklen der Erde, die Rechte der Erde, die Rechte der indigenen Völker und die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen verletzt...

Happy Birthday, Dr Vandana Shiva

The Navdanya International team wishes their indomitable President Dr. Vandana Shiva, a very Happy 70th Birthday! May her 70th year see the shift towards a people-centred caring world. We Need Biodiversity-Based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis – Dr...