The sub-headline of the event organized by ISDE Italy and ISDE Sardinia (International Society of Doctors for the Environment), in cooperation with Navdanya International, was ‘Sardinia Terra Viva – Sardigna Terra Bia’
One of the aims of this event was to raise awareness about Sardinia environmental issues.
“Today, the Sardinian region sums the largest contaminated area (total 445.000 ha in Sardinia and 345.000 ha in Campania). The third of the Sardinian population lives in contaminated sites (compared to an average of one to six for whole Italy). According to the Italian National Institute of Health, in 44 Sites of National Interest for decontamination (SIN) on a total rate of 10.000 deaths including all causes, in Sardinia almost 4.000 ones are caused by cancers resulting in excess comparing other regional data. These clear figures related to SIN’s in Sardinia confirms the existence of a high health risk”
Vincenzo Migaleddu, ISDE representative in Sardinia gave a speech on social, environmental and health problems in Sardina.
He was followed by Dr Vandana Shiva, who presented ‘Terra Viva’ Manifesto: “We can choose another path. A path based on global citizenship and the sharing of resources, a path which aims for a circular economy based on regeneration of resources.”
Video, photos and more information:
SARDINIA TERRA VIVA – Open letter to the Sardinian society
MANIFESTO TERRA VIVA – Our Soils, Our Commons, Our Future
“I prefer to be a barbarian because this civilization that kills is not civilization” #FOOD #WATER #SOIL #Sardinia pic.twitter.com/ImVrjWR9Un
— Neko Malaika (@NekoMalaika) July 28, 2015