Young Guardians of Biodiversity
The Young Guardians of Biodiversity project is an initiative aimed at engaging younger generations in environmental protection and the enhancement of local territories. Carried out in collaboration with ISS Luca Paciolo in Bracciano, the project offers an experiential learning...

Agroecology is Life: Youth Discovering Local Food Systems
A Project for the Future of Young Generations and Local Biodiversity Promoted by Navdanya International and funded through the 8×1000 contribution of the Italian Buddhist Union, this project aims to educate new generations, preserve biodiversity, and promote ecological, fair,...

Terrae Vivae Ecological Education Program (TSCOP)
Centered on practical and theoretical training, the Terrae Vivae project promotes a deeper understanding of the interconnections between soil health, biodiversity, and human well-being, offering a holistic perspective on sustainability. Students engage in hands-on projects such as organic farming,...

Water is life: young people as custodians of the Lakes of Vico and Bracciano
Water is life: young people as custodians of the Lakes of Vico and Bracciano, funded by the Waldensian Church (8 per 1000), is a local environmental project aimed at safeguarding and stewarding the waterways of Lakes Bracciano and Vico,...

Biodiversity is Life: Let’s discover and protect it together – Safeguarding and discovering the environmental heritage of Bracciano Lake
Biodiversity is Life- Let’s discover and protect it together! is a new project by Navdanya International to engage new generations in protecting our biodiversity. The activities of this project are set to take place from January to December 2023...

NOW ONLINE – ClimAlt open e-learning platform on Climate Change is live!!
12 January 2021 – Over the last few months the ClimAlt project team has been developing an online course on climate change causes, impacts and potential solutions for young people. Given the previous success of the course, the team...