On Thursday, March 7, a press conference will be held in the Conference Room of the Italian Chamber of Deputies to launch the global Poison-free Food and Farming 2030 Campaign, with Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International, Ulrich Veith – Mayor of Mals, Davide Marino – Roma Tre University, Nadia El-Hage Scialabba – TMG Think tank for Sustainability-Berlin, Patrizia Gentilini – Isde. Participants: Tiziano Quaini – coordinator of the Associazione Veneta dei Produttori Biologici e Biodinamici (Venetian Organic and Biodynamic Producers Association) – representing Marcia Stop Pesticidi (Stop Pesticides March), Claudio Bizzotto – Terra Chiama, Comitato genitori Asilo San Giacomo (San Giacomo Kindergarten Parents Board), Maria Grazia Mammuccini – Federbio. The event will be attended by Italian MPs: Sara Cunial (M5S); Silvia Benedetti (Mixed); Susanna Cenni (Pd); Saverio De Bonis (Mixed); Rossella Muroni (LeU). Moderator: Ruchi Shroff – director of Navdanya International.