Oxford Real Farming Conference Session
12 January 2021, 12pm – 1pm GMT
Neth Daño
Patrick Mulvany
Ruchi Shroff, Navdanya International
Chair: Saurabh Arora
For years now, people have been inundated with promises about the potential of genetically modified organisms and other ‘precision’ and ‘digitalised’ farm technologies. People are told that these modern technologies have to be embraced to both address food security and tackle climate change. According to the advocates of these technofixes, regions that don’t adopt these new technologies – especially in the Global South – are doomed to remain stuck in the dark ages.
In this session, you will hear voices of resistance to these new technologies from different parts of the world. They will share their insights on how UK (and other Western) corporations, research, states and foundations have been and continue to seek to export technology packages to engineer agroecosystems. Starting from testimonies and historical insights in technology resistance struggles, this session seeks to disrupt assumptions that ‘Western’ technology should be promoted in the Global South. We will also start unpacking how (bio)technology relates to questions of colonialism, decolonization and development.
ORFC Global 2021 7 – 13 January Book Tickets
Working with partners around the world, ORFC Global brings together voices from the real food and farming movement across six continents, for what we believe is the first time ever. This will be a radical, inclusive and inspiring seven-day programme of talks, events and workshops.
About the ORFC: Meeting annually in January, with regional events throughout the year, ORFC is a space for people to share their stories, learn from each other and strengthen alliances for a thriving future for real farming in the UK. Its radical and inclusive programme is suggested and run by its participants
"The justification of technological impositions claims that countries are ‘behind’ due to insufficient access to new technologies but the rhetoric of a ‘humanitarian’ effort thinly veils the real priority of market expansion" Today's #ORFCGlobal session: https://t.co/EETBpzMkNC pic.twitter.com/2R5ZBN21I5
— Navdanya International (@NavdanyaInt) January 12, 2021
Monopoly based technofixes & data-driven vertical integration call for control over the whole food chain, make small farmers & retailers vulnerable, leaving seed sovereignty, agroecology & local circular economy completely by the way-side #ORFCGlobal ▶️https://t.co/xJKCqHCX6a pic.twitter.com/QTwHa3XsIx
— Navdanya International (@NavdanyaInt) January 13, 2021