Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Agroecology is Life, Education, Terrae Vivae > Guided visits at the organic farm Le Bricchiette – Agroecology is life
19 Φεβρουάριος, 2025
9:00 πμ
Fattoria Biologica Le Bricchiette, Via di Lena e Massa, 24, 00062 Bracciano RM

How Are Eggs Produced, and What Does Biodiversity Have to Do with It?

February 19, 2025 – By deconstructing their favorite dishes, the young participants of the Agroecology is Life project began exploring the differences between industrial and ecological food production.

This reflection led us to Le Bricchiette Organic Farm, a historic agricultural enterprise in the Bracciano area.

Starting with the question, “What does organic mean to us?”, we visited the farm to understand the true meaning of fair food production—ecologically, socially, and ethically. Elena, the farm’s owner, conveys a clear message through her agricultural practices: every element of the ecosystem plays a vital role in maintaining balance and producing healthy food. Biodiversity, she emphasizes, is the key ingredient in ecological food production.

By realizing that every part of a farm is alive and has a purpose, the young participants developed a deeper connection to agroecological production through empathy. The activity concluded with a final reflection on the crucial role of biodiversity in our food systems.