Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Biodiversity, Online meeting > Online Dialogue: The Vaccine of Biodiversity
21 Ιούλιος, 2021
2:30 μμ
Online, Online

Join Society for International Development and guest speakers for an online conversation around the ecology the world urgently needs in dealing with the pandemic, where biodiversity is cherished and pursued for a new climate, health, social, and economic paradigm.

Online Dialogue: The Vaccine of Biodiversity 

Date: Wednesday July 21, 2021, 14:30 – 16:30 CEST (Central European Standard Time)

Registration Link: bit.ly/VaccineOfBiodiversity

Guest Speakers:

  • Ruchi Schroff, Director of Navdanya International
  • Hernando Salcedo Fidalgo, FIAN International
  • Maria Cristina Rulli,  Politecnico di Milano
  • Stephen Healy, University of Sydney
  • Inka Santala, PhD from Woolongong


Nicoletta Dentico, Director Global Health Justice Programme, Society for International Development.

Spanish/English interpretation will be available

In this conversation we want to re-focus our attention on why this health and climate crisis started, and how new pandemics can and should be prevented in the future, looking at humankind’s relation with nature. We shall hear from experts what alternative models need to be introduced, and about some of the practical cases in which alternatives are already being implemented.

We will also hear from the speakers and discuss what are the different ways to influence policymakers and relevant stakeholders into shifting from this techno-industrial focused approach to a more holistic solution that focuses on planetary and community health.

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