Now, more than ever, is the protection of diversity, biodiversity, Food Freedom and Seed Freedom crucial for a future that cares for the Earth.


Care for the Earth

Voices of Diversity, Voices of Resilience

From the 2nd to the 16th of October 2023 (and beyond…), join our Call to Action- Voices of Diversity, Voices of Resilience.

Now, more than ever, is the protection of diversity, biodiversity, Food Freedom and Seed Freedom crucial for a future that cares for the Earth.

Today, we are facing the devastating consequences of the industrial food system and its false promises of food security, sustainability and climate adaptation through agrichemicals, GMOs and now gene editing and lab-made foods.

There is an urgent need for us to build a movement that responds to these threats, which are being promoted as solutions through a well orchestrated greenwashing propaganda campaign.

At a time when global lawmakers are pushing new technologies that will only further entrench the consequences of the industrial paradigm, it is vital to listen to the diversity of voices already practicing an ecological way of life. Voices that are also on the frontlines of the destruction caused by industrial agriculture. The voices of  women, indigenous people, peasants, and small farmers. These voices, based on experience, show us the bigger picture and remind us of the solutions we already have.

Today more than ever we need the agroecological cultures of the world to take the forefront and show us what it means to be rooted in harmony with the Earth.

Join us by organizing People’s Assemblies, Events, or Actions to reclaim and reshape our food system, in parks, squares, gardens, schools and communities – wherever you are to take back our Seed, and Food Freedom.

Find out more

Ideas for action

Tag us on social media, in a 30 second video describing how you’re building resilience through your local food community.

    • Tag us on Instagram: @navdanyainternational
    • Tag us on Twitter: @NavdanyaInt
    • Tag us on Facebook: navdanyainternational
    • Or email us your video at info[@]navdanyainternational[.]org - and we’ll share on social media.

Promote local, organic, healthy food through local biodiverse food systems and cultures and economies of care (farmers markets, CSAs biodistricts).

Organize a meal in your family, community, or institution with local organic food.

Organize a meeting, event, exhibit or any gathering to celebrate our local communities and cultures of resilience.

Educate yourself and others on why false solutions do not get at the root of the problem.

Organize local seed exchanges, and plant native biodiversity.

Create Gardens of Hope, Gardens of Health everywhere – in community gardens, institutions, schools, prisons, hospitals in the cities and countryside.

Create poison free zones, communities, farms and food systems.

Key Dates

2nd October, Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary: Day of Satyagraha The Force of Truth, to take a stand for non Cooperation with paradigms, laws and policies that violate the earth, farmers rights and our health.


4th October,  Animal Welfare Day: The Day celebrated every year internationally, on the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, to educate humans about how their actions impact animals and create awareness about the protection of animals all over the world.


14th October: GMOs must not be deregulated – Conference in Florence (more details soon).


15th October, Rural Women’s Day. Celebrate Diverse Women for Diversity who provide an alternative voice and vision to the dominant paradigm of commercialization and corporatisation of Food Security and the privatization of natural resources.


16th October, World Food Day. Real food connects us all to the flow of life, and gives us a chance to rejuvenate the earth, our food economies, food sovereignty and food cultures.

A Declaration: Beyond Climate Colonialism and Food Imperialism

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International

Mother Earth is a sacred, self organized living being. She creates and sustains life. Through her biosphere and complex ecological processes, she regulates her water systems, her nutrition cycle, her climate system. Over 4 billion years, using the energy of the sun and the power of photosynthesis by microbes and the green leaf of plants, she brought the temperature of the planet down to where life could thrive, and the concentration of CO2 down to pre-industrial levels.

Two hundred years of industrialism, combined with colonization of nature and our diverse cultures has destroyed the earth’s ecosystems and biosphere. Burning of fossil fuels has polluted the land, water and atmosphere, built up emissions, and disrupted the delicate balance of the earth’s climate systems and hydrological systems, intensifying floods, droughts, and cyclones, causing climate chaos and catastrophes.

Food freedom and Food sovereignty is our birthright.

We will resist the new food imperialism of Fake Food as a false Climate Solution.

We will respect and protect the Rights of Mother Earth.

We will heal the Earth and  ourselves by growing and eating Real Food, Food for Health.

Read the full declaration here

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