L’India devastata da 25 anni di Ogm

Di Giuditta Pellegrini, L’Extraterrestre, settimanale ecologista de Il Manifesto, 12 settembre 2024 | Fonte Mentre in Europa si fa strada la proposta di permettere l’utilizzo in campo agricolo delle Tecniche di Evoluzione Assistita (TEA), spinte dalle aziende biotech come...

Gandhi and The Triple Peace

– Gandhi and the Triple Peace: Peace within, Peace with People and Peace with Nature A course with Vandana Shiva and Satish Kumar At the Earth University, Navdanya Biodiversity Farm, near Dehradun, India From 18th to 22nd of November...

Earth Journey to Rajasthan

– Embark on an unforgettable Earth Journey to Rajasthan, the Land of the Camels, in this International Year of the Camelids 2024 (UN). Rediscover our dedication to seed freedom and the preservation of our diverse biodiversity. Engage in living...